
Dale Wynn Davidson is the author of “Las Vegas Tonight: From Sin City to Vegas Saints,” a book of hope and inspiration based on his national television show “Las Vegas Tonight.” Dale is President and General Manager of KEEN-17 TV in Las Vegas.
KEEN is broadcast throughout Southern Nevada and is the only full time local Christian television station in the state of Nevada. Dale operates two other television stations that also broadcast Christian programming, along with Las Vegas Tonight TV, which carries television channels into the Las Vegas Strip hotels.
He is the winner of numerous broadcasting industry awards, including “First Place, Best Talk Show” from the Associated Press. Dale’s motivational radio series “Success with Dale Davidson” is carried on more than 200 stations throughout the U.S., helping countless listeners to achieve their personal and professional goals.
He is the host of a weekly television show, “Las Vegas Tonight,” which features the work and lives of remarkable people in reaching the lost and helping the hurting in Las Vegas. Dale has been inducted into the Nevada Broadcasters Hall of Fame.
Dale is an award winner for his seminar on public speaking, and a National ADDY Award recipient for “Best Radio Advertising Campaign.” He is a graduate of the University of Denver, and has completed postgraduate work at Bethany College and Trinity College. Dale is in demand as a speaker for corporate meetings and events in Las Vegas and throughout the United States.
You can read more about Dale by visiting his website, VegasSaints.org
“The Race”
Dale recounts the stories of an all-star cast of life’s winners. These “overcomers” were far from the brightest, most athletic or exceptionally gifted people of their day. However, because of their determination, dedication and dreams, they are counted among the most influential people ever! You’ll be inspired by the stories of Helen Keller, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Michael Jordan, Orel Hershiser, Jesse Owens, James Earl Jones, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan and others. After you’ve experienced Dale’s dynamic delivery of this vitally important message you’ll want to step up to the starting line and join life’s race!
“Build Your Personal Brand”
You’ve heard the admonition “You shouldn’t hide your light under a basket.” If you wish to be successful in business, in relationships, as a parent or as a spouse, you must be able to clearly define and state your hidden strengths. To sell your ideas or your sense of authority to others, you must approach important social and business interactions as a salesperson would. Have you clearly defined the presentation? Do you know your walk-away position? Dale presents basic principles to greatly improve your personal presence and persuasive abilities. You’ll want to get in front of the right people and start selling right away!
“It Can All Be Brand New!”
This entertaining and powerful presentation will engage your audience with a fascinating premise: if your life seems dull and ordinary, it’s because much of what you think is true is just plain wrong!
You may perceive life’s marvelous, full color scenes in drab grays because you’ve bought into faulty logic such as “the way to get ahead is to look out for number one,” or “you’ve got to go along to get along,” or “people can’t change.” These sayings, and others, will be humorously debunked and replaced with wise and balanced approaches that can help make your life vibrant and alive. This is a particularly popular spouse program.
“The Power of Belief”
There is a resurgence of publicly expressed spirituality throughout the country, likely as a result of recent world events. Research has shown that people of faith live longer, happier and more productive lives. Which role should spirituality play in a postmodern world? Dale, who has pursued graduate work in theology, speaks out for belief in a higher power as a vitally important component of a whole life. In this powerful and popular presentation, Dale takes a non-doctrinal, nondenominational approach to the importance of keeping faith central to relationships in families, with friends and in the community at large.