CEO & Founder, The Architect of BEing® Training Academy

Travis Fox has been Architecting lives, cultures and stages for 30 years, holding doctorates in both psychology and clinical hypnotherapy. Reaching beyond the common uses of conscious and subconscious models. Travis has perfected a step-by-step program designed for those who are ready to transform their lives and wake up from the hypnosis of the day to day boredom. Travis’ online training program allows anyone, anywhere to unwind their mind’s thoughts to redefine and refine their habits, processes, interrupt negative thoughts and arrive with skills to Architect not only their lives, but their lifestyle.
Travis has been named by Yahoo Finance as a top 20 entrepreneurs for 2020 and even more recently Top 10 Instagram Influencers by BuzzFeed. Travis has been on radio shows, podcasts and television programs across the country, some of which include “The Dew Sweepers”’ on XM Radio Saturday mornings, as well as the Sigurd Vedal, Travis Chappel and more. From television programs like ABC’s “One Life to Live,” The Nashville Network and Resorts Networks to name a few. He also has most recently appeared in such documentary films “Beyond The Secret-The Awakening,” (March 2020) the long awaited sequel to “The Secret,” as well as “How Thoughts Become Things” (April 2020). Coming from the world of movies and entertainment makes all of his interviews, no matter the platform, a truly one of a kind entertaining, educational experience.
Audience Experience
Based on 14K+ hours of on stage speaking engagement Travis has developed a system to an engaging, eventful and successful speaking event. Always inviting to know what kind of audience experience you want for your event; based on many years and thousands of hours on stage he has developed a series of questions in order to ensure a one of a kind experience, ensuring exact alignment with what YOU, the event presenter desires.
The following questions are asked each time per event.
- What is the size of the audience
- M/F ratio
- Demo of audience
- Theme of event
- Topic YOU most want addressed for YOUR audience/experience
- What is the one thing you want your audience to experience when they walk away?
- Impactful, emotional, motivation, culture shift, call to action, 3 step plan or 1 step plan?
Building Your Business by Leading from the Bottom Up
You don’t want another boring leadership book, do you? As you know, your company culture is a reflection of you, its leadership and team. Tavis Fox’s proprietary methodology focuses on his leading from the bottom up approach, revealing the limiting belief structures, fear of change and growth, and step-by-step approach to “Unwind Your Mind” so you can experience long-lasting changes in your brand that reflect that which truly matters most: your legacy.
Begin your journey with this book . . .
What Other Leaders Say
“Dr. Travis Fox is an exceptional human being who always achieves each goal he sets for himself. I’ve found Travis to be personable, professional, courteous and willing to lend a hand. Travis deserves my highest recommendation and I’m happy to praise him and his work.” – Chris Doolittle, Founder and President, Muskox, LLC
“I met Dr. Travis Fox at a sales function hosted by my company in 1998. To this day, I can remember his presentation to our group! He is one of the most effective, creative, thought-provoking, inspirational business trainers I have ever met. His words transcend the normal coaching arena and I have been able to use his theories and teachings in my everyday life since meeting him in 1998!” – Stephen Grant, Head of Global Sales, AMRI
“I would highly recommend Dr. Travis Fox for your entertainment needs. I have hired him several times to do his Hypnomania hypnosis show and he is always delightfully entertaining. His prices are quite reasonable, he is very funny and personable. The crowd just loves him! His show is a must have for corporate parties, etc. You will be thrilled with the results!” – Glenn Anderson, Independent Distributor, Kyani, Inc.